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2.02 Member Compensation Policy

Policy Statement
The purpose of this policy is to provide direction for the Agency of Human Services (AHS), including all its Departments and Divisions, on the provision of per diem compensation and expense reimbursement for individuals who are appointed by a state official to serve as a member on a formal AHS board, commission, council, committee, task force, or other workgroup.

1.04 AHS Public Comments Policy

To establish general expectations for AHS employees regarding making comments in a public forum on AHS related policies, rules, programs, initiatives, and other topics of interest. AHS staff are not authorized to provide public comment using their position title or claim to represent the Agency's official position.

Health Care Administrative Rules (HCAR)

“Health Care Administrative Rules” or “HCAR” mean the collection of regulations adopted by the Agency of Human Services that govern the administration of Vermont Medicaid, including general provisions, eligibility, benefit delivery, covered services, reimbursement, specialized services, beneficiary rights, and provider responsibilities.  On this page you will find adopted and proposed rules.

Health Care Rules

Health Care Administrative Rules

The Agency of Human Services is undertaking a comprehensive revision of Medicaid rules across the Agency of Human Services and its Departments. The Medicaid Covered Services Rules will be amended and adopted under the title of Health Care Administrative Rules (HCAR). This is a multi-year process, and during this transition phase, some Medicaid rules will remain in the Medicaid Covered Services Rules (7100 - 7700), while other rules will be adopted in the new HCAR collection of Medicaid rules.

Rules, Policies, Procedures & Guidance Documents

What are Administrative Rules?

Generally, administrative rules elaborate the requirements of a law or policy. The laws passed by the Vermont State Legislature do not go into detail about how the law is to be applied and enforced, or about the procedures to be used. This is the role of executive departments and agencies, which promulgate and administer rules and regulations that govern how the law will be carried out. Administrative rules and regulations found on this site are officially promulgated by the Vermont Agency of Human Services and have the force and effect of law.

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