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Strategic Planning

2018-2023 Strategic Planning Cycle:

In 2017, Governor Scott announced a new strategic planning process to orient state government toward the top four priorities of his administration:

  1. Grow the economy
  2. Make Vermont more affordable
  3. Protect the most vulnerable
  4. Modernize state government

The Agency of Human Services developed a set of goals and strategies that would support the improvement of our service system toward these ends (see image below).

Each Department identified the priority projects that would contribute to achieving these goals in the next one to three years. Rather than focus on programmatic outcomes, these goals, strategies, and projects would improve the way that our systems and administrative infrastructure function to support staff and drive results across all programmatic areas.

Agency of Human Services Goals and Strategies: Holistic Service Delivery

AHS believes that if we can improve the way that we learn and make decisions about policy, technology, budgets, and change across our system, then we can maximize limited resource and target our investments strategically and holistically. If we can leverage data and information, we can create the opportunity to continously improve, incentivize innovation, and see a return on investment across the service system.  Continous improvement, innovation, and strategic investments in a more integrated system of service delivery will facilitate streamlined processes for staff and better outcomes for our clients.

Take a look at Governor Scott's Statewide Strategic Plan 2018-2023.