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Agency Performance: Scorecards and Data

Scorecards and Data Reflect Our Performance

The Agency uses Scorecards as one way to share data and information about the well-being of people and communities in Vermonter; as well as the quality and impact of our programs to improve outcomes for the people with whom we work.

The Scorecard tool uses the Results Based Accountability (RBA) framework. Using this framework is a way to demonstrate our commitment to driving and supporting data-driven strategies. And ensure we are focused on the impacts to Vermonters at the state and local level. 

Click here to watch a video tutorial about how Scorecards work.

In each department and across AHS, we are building, maintaining, and using Scorecards to strengthen how we measure, monitor, and continuously improve our programs. All with the focus on understanding how the individuals and families we work with are "better off".

Click the buttons below to view Scorecards and other data reflecting the performance of our departments, and their programs and services.

At the bottom of this page are two statewide reports that use Clear Impact Scorecards: The Statewide Outcomes Report (view full report) and the Programmatic Performance Measure Budget (view AHS report only).

AHS Department Scorecards and Performance Data

Children and Families Performance Scorecard 

Corrections Performance Data

Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living Performance Scorecard

Health Performance Scorecards

Mental Health Performance Data

Vermont Health Access Performance Data