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Our Impact

Performance and impact in the Agency of Human Services

The Agency of Human Services considers impact in at least three dimensions:

  • how our work has an impact on all Vermonters,
  • within and across the larger health and social services system we manage,
  • and within each of our programs.

How we assess and monitor impact

In this section, you will find tools that we use to assess and monitor our impact across each of these dimensions:

  • The Community Profiles are a data tool to help state and community partnerships learn, plan, and take action to improve conditions and circumstances of health and well-being;
  • The AHS Strategic Plan is our contribution to Governor Scott's State of Vermont Strategic Plan and facilitates improvement across critical areas of internal operations and service delivery; and
  • The Performance Scorecards create a view into the quality and results of programs in and across AHS departments.

Improving how we work for people and communities in Vermont

Another important element is developing and using innovative and promising practices to improve the way we work. Continuously evaluating and improving our programs helps us increase the positive impact on people and communities in Vermont.