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Agency of Human Services Announces Departure of Deputy Secretary Todd Daloz

Waterbury, VT- The Agency of Human Services (AHS) today announced that Todd Daloz will depart his role as Deputy Secretary next month. Deputy Secretary Daloz was appointed by Governor Scott as deputy secretary in March of 2022. Prior to his appointment, he served as the AHS general counsel and in the Attorney General’s Office from 2011 to 2016 as an Assistant Attorney General.  

“During his tenure, Todd has contributed significantly to the agency’s mission to improve the conditions and well-being of Vermonters,” said Secretary of Human Services Jenney Samuelson. “Todd joined AHS at the beginning of the pandemic and played critical roles in Vermont’s response and recovery from COVID-19, in the July 2023 flooding and in addressing Vermont’s public safety, community resilience and housing challenges. I am deeply grateful for his service and dedication and wish him the best of luck in his new position.” 

Kristin McClure, AHS’ current Health Data Officer, will serve as interim deputy secretary. Kristin has been with AHS since July 2022, bringing a wealth of experience and expertise from her previous role as Chief Data Officer with the Agency of Digital Services.  

"I am confident that Kristin will excel in her new role as interim deputy secretary," said Jenney Samuelson, Secretary of the Agency of Human Services. "Her background and proven track record make her exceptionally well-suited to continue to support the agency in this new role.” 

Deputy Secretary Daloz’ last day will be in early August, He has accepted a position with the Attorney General’s Office as the Legislative and Policy Director. McClure will begin serving as Interim Deputy Secretary on August 5, 2024.  

About AHS 

AHS’s mission is to improve the conditions and well-being of people in Vermont. The mission is a commitment to fostering positive change in the lives of Vermonters. It underscores our dedication to creating an environment where individuals not only survive but thrive. 

For more information about AHS, please visit