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Agency of Human Services Announces Update to Administrative Rules on Agency Designation

Waterbury, VT - The Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living (DAIL) and the Vermont Department of Mental Health (DMH) will be seeking public comment on proposed updates to the Administrative Rules on Agency Designation.  Comments can be submitted, via email to by the deadline of July 17, 2024, 4:30 pm. The proposed updates have already been filed with the Secretary of State’s Office. In an effort to maximize public engagement, a public hearing has been scheduled for July 10, 2024, from 10 am-12 pm, in the Ash Conference Room, Waterbury State Office Complex (280 State Drive, Waterbury Vermont). For those unable to attend in person, a virtual option will be available. 

The Administrative Rules on Agency Designation apply to community mental health and developmental disability services providers, known as Designated Agencies (DAs) and Specialized Service Agencies (SSAs). They are designed to align service providers with Agency of Human Services expectations, ensuring that communities receive accessible services and supports.  

The Agency of Human Services is releasing a second draft of the updated rules after collecting feedback from individuals with lived experiences and their families, service providers, and advocacy organizations. "Updating the Administrative Rules on Agency Designation after more than 20 years is a significant step forward," said Eva Dayon, Assistant Director of Quality at the Vermont Department of Mental Health. "By modernizing the language and aligning with current practices, we're making a big leap in the right direction. It reflects our commitment to staying relevant and effective in serving our community." 

Click Here to Access the Overview of Changes in Draft Two 


About the Department of Mental Health (DMH):  

The mission of the Department of Mental Health is to promote and improve the health of Vermonters. 



About the Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living (DAIL): 

Our mission is to make Vermont the best state in which to grow old or to live with a disability - with dignity, respect, and independence.