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Adopted Rules

The HCAR Table of Contents below and the HCAR Crosswalk document can be used to help determine whether a Medicaid rule is in the new HCAR format (1.100 - 9.100) or, for the time being, remains in the existing Medicaid Covered Services format (7100 - 7700).

HCAR Crosswalk

The HCAR Crosswalk document is a crosswalk from the old DVHA Medicaid Covered Services Rules (7100 - 7700) to the newly adopted HCAR rules (1.100 - 9.100).


***NEW - HCAR Combined Rules (8/15/2024)***


HCAR Table of Contents

Bolded rule numbers have been adopted under HCAR.

Chapter 1: General Provisions and Definitions

Chapter 2: Eligibility

This chapter is reserved for future rulemaking

Chapter 3: Medicaid Benefit Delivery

  • 3.101     Telehealth
  • 3.102     Blueprint for Health
  • 3.103     Health Homes
  • 3.104     Vermont Chronic Care Initiative

Chapter 4: Medicaid Covered Services

Subchapter 1: General Provisions

Subchapter 2: Medicaid Covered Services

Chapter 5: Medicaid Reimbursement

Chapter 6: Medicaid Cost Sharing

Chapter 7: Specialized Services and Programs

  • 7.100     Disability Services - Developmental Services
  • 7.101     Brain Injury Program
  • 7.102     Choices for Care
  • 7.103     Attendant Services Program
  • 7.104     VPharm
  • 7.105     Healthy Vermonters Program
  • 7.106     Family Services (Treatment Services)
  • 7.107     Adult Mental Health
  • 7.108     Children's Mental Health
  • 7.109     Alcohol and Drug Use Program/Medication Assisted Treatment
  • 7.110     Children with Special Health Needs
  • 7.111     Vermont Medication Assistance Program

Chapter 8: Beneficiary Rights and Responsibilities

Chapter 9: Provider Rights and Responsibilities

  • 9.100     Provider Rights and Responsibilities
  • 9.103     Supervised Billing
  • 9.104     Supplementation Prohibition
  • 9.105     Program Integrity (Currently Violations of Provider Responsibility)
  • 9.106     Seclusion and Restraint for Children's Outpatient Services

Chapter 10: Provider Tax